Redemption from the Perspective of a 60 Year Old- Part 1: Testimonial

Join Mike Miller for a series providing his unique vantage point on the game as a 60 year old player. Part 1 is a testimonial article.

It is often said that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I’m sure there is some truth to this, but I’m also pretty sure that anything is possible when you resolve to accomplish it. Let me explain.

I am a bit over the median age (or so I think) of the current Redemption players, at least in my players group. At 60 years old, I was re-introduced to the game in March of 2022. I say re-introduced because in the early 2000’s my boys played Redemption with decks and cards purchased from a local Christian Bookstore. Due to the complexity of the game and their young minds, the rules were not exactly what the game designers had in mind, but they made it work. There were times they would ask me to play, but sadly I passed on the invitation. Fast forward to the present, where I find myself in the “Old Dog” scenario.

You see, a member of our church had an idea to start a Redemption play group to foster interest in the game and provide a way to get some more local players to compete against. To provide some support for his endeavor, I decided to get involved, and attended an introductory session to the game. With my “I” deck and a couple of booster packs, I was on my way.

At first, it was just a bit overwhelming. Learning the terminology, order of play and what makes a good card good, is a challenge. I was thrilled when my first game ended in a victory. If I’m honest, it was humbling when my first loss came at the hands of a twelve-year-old, who beat me pretty handily I might add.

I’m happy to say that after a lot of practice, my win percentage has been steadily improving. It was bittersweet when I won my first Booster Draft tournament recently. To be fair, there were only two players. I was happy for the win, but it came at the expense of beating my 32-year-old son each of the two rounds we played. I’m learning that this is the way Redemption games go. You win some, and you lose some. It’s all part of the game.

Here is part of what I’ve learned in the past eight months…

You are never too old to learn a new thing. The learning curve may be steep, but fun can certainly be had along the way.

There are plenty of opportunities (at least for a player of my experience) to model good sportsmanship and maturity. It is difficult to maintain humility when all the sports figures we see on TV seem very eager to over-celebrate every time they make a normal play. This game teaches you humility.

The camaraderie that has developed in our local group was a surprise to me. On any meet-up night, you see wonderful interaction between kids of all ages from 12 to 60. The excitement in the room when someone opens a pack with an ultra-rare, or ultra-rare+ card is pure joy. If you have played for any amount of time, you know the atmosphere.

As it stands today, my love for the game is growing. and I’m really glad that I stuck with it and gave it the chance it deserves. I mean where else can you get scripture and biblical history into the hands of young people all in a way that they enjoy.

Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

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