Join Seth Morlan in another discussion on underplayed cards, as this episode’s focus turns to evil alignment…Come to the dark side!
Welcome back everyone! I’m Seth Morlan and today I am talking about Evil alignment. I would say that defense has been made into something that just stalls for your offense now. Personally, I love big defenses and I cannot lie…I have seen a lot of “suicide” defenses out there. Don’t get me wrong, those defenses are good, but today we aren’t talking about those cards since they are used to death in current meta.
Now here is a card that would be considered “suicide,” but is also a very good supporter in big or balanced defenses, as Sabbath Breaker can still use gray cards like Balaam’s Teachings, which I think is another underused card in my opinion. He gets to draw 3 cards which is another big boost in your endeavors to grab another evil card to get the block. He has super small numbers to get the initiative and play the big battle winner, like that Scattered you’ve been holding in your hand. I don’t think it’s necessarily a “splashable” card…more than likely you’ll be using it in a gray defense (or black/gray). There was a very nice gray/pale green defense that Justin Alstad played in a Zoom tourney not too long ago. Having 4 of these guys in Type 2 is also pretty nice as well! Being able to chump someone once in a while is pretty fun, but I don’t believe that that’s all your defense should do. It’s not fun or invigorating in the battle phase to just play one enhancement and… battle over.Most players know this card, but do we really use it much? Job defenses aren’t used as much as I would like them to be. It is such a strong defense, in particular Job’s wife. I cannot remember the last time anyone used Job-referenced cards, so she basically negates anything that your opponent plays. She’s great at the end of a banding chain or just to throw out there to negate everything. She is phenomenal to use in a “female” defense with Queen Vashti. I’d say brown in general isn’t used as much after rotation due to Gibeonite Trickery and Haman’s Plot being rotated out.This guy right here is absolutely amazing in so many decks including mine (Herod’s). He plays a band or capture enhancement, and on top of that makes them CBP (cannot be prevented). This guy is fantastic against FBTN (fight by the numbers) decks. A little combo I found was The Sanhedrin + Temple Guard + Nicodemus, the Teacher to play a capture enhancement, CBN (cannot be negated) on Nicodemus. I like him because he can play so many enhancements that it’s not even funny. He is like a limited Proud Pharisee, and I miss that guy, but he was undeniably broken in my opinion. Any card that is able to play something before your opponent will give you a good advantage. Other cards like Esau, the Hunter can give you this advantage as well.
This card is another I think could be pretty amazing to be honest, especially if your opponent has hand protection or reserve protection. Kinda like Entrapping Pharisees type stuff. Plus, you get a draw on top of that! There are a lot of big bands going around, so the draw can get pretty crazy sometimes.
This card alone can do what Voice from Heaven does but better. I change my mind; this card can change the course of the game if done right. Plus, all of the Herod’s abilities are actually really strong all together. I think that Herod’s aren’t played enough in decks, but I know I have an unfair love for Herod’s.
Thank you again guys for listening to me ramble on for a while (well…reading me ramble on). As always, I’d love to see decks using these cards. Let me know what y’all do with these!
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Seth has been playing Redemption for about 9 or so years now. He is a firm believer in Christ as well as a husband and a father to one beautiful daughter who is 1 year old. He has always enjoyed games that involve strategy and problem solving! He enjoys playing and playing against combo decks just for the sheer creativeness that comes with it.