Join Jayden as he displays another attempt to do that which is hard to do: rescue with defense in Redemption.
This week we’re revisiting the “rescue with your defense” combo with the game that actually took place prior to this deck’s debut but it wasn’t as exciting in my opinion and it’s my YouTube channel so my opinion is the important one, right? 😉 Either way, that’s not to say that this game was not exciting because it certainly had its moments and it was the “official” Lackey Grand Prix #3 game between Luke and I so of course that makes it inherently exciting to some degree. Y’all have seen the deck list already although you saw it with Sheol instead of Potiphar’s Wife, so instead of a deck breakdown like I normally do at the beginning I talk a little bit about my experience at the Iowa State tournament while inadvertently showing off a few revisions I started to make to this deck. Enjoy!
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