This week for Lackey Grand Prix #19 Round 2, I decided to challenge myself a bit by trying to make the best possible use of a card that’s incredibly difficult to use effectively. The card in question here is Sow, Reap, and Rejoice, which means that it wasn’t TOO crazy of a challenge, considering it fits in with Disciples, one of the strongest themes in the game, but the card is hard to use because you not only do you have to be behind, but you have to be willing to sacrifice your hand.
That combination doesn’t generally seem like the best idea, so the payoff margin is fairly low, and that’s what makes it a challenge. For this round I got paired up against Ryan “Aldrakev” Greeson for the first time in a LGP, which means he will be making his Redemption with Jayden debut!

Deck: 50
1 Lost Soul "Accusers" [Ezra 4:6]
1 Lost Soul "Crowds" [Luke 5:15] [2016 - Local]
1 Lost Soul "Distressed" [Zephaniah 1:17 - Fundraiser]
1 Lost Soul "Humble" [James 4:6 / Proverbs 3:34] [2022 - 3rd Place]
1 Lost Soul "Lost Souls" [Proverbs 2:16-17]
1 Lost Soul "Orphans" [Jeremiah 22:3]
1 Lost Soul "Prosperity" [Deuteronomy 30:15] [2024 - 3rd Place]
1 Lost Soul "Hopper" [II Chronicles 28:13 - LR]
1 Crowd's Choice [Fundraiser]
1 Three Woes (RoJ AB)
1 Grapes of Wrath (GoC)
1 Son of God [Fundraiser - Greek]
1 The Resurrection [UR+] (GoC)
1 The Second Coming (CoW AB)
1 Mayhem (FoM)
1 Patmos (RoJ AB)
1 Herod's Temple [2022 - GoC P]
1 Book of the Covenant (PoC)
1 Denarius (I/J+)
1 Four-Drachma Coin (GoC)
1 The New Covenant (I/J+)
1 Judas Iscariot / Judas, the Betrayer (GoC)
1 Philosophy (Roots)
1 Bartholomew (Nathanael) / Bartholomew the True (GoC)
1 James, the Younger / James, Son of Alphaeus (GoC)
1 Matthew the Publican / Matthew (Levi) (GoC)
1 Matthias (GoC)
1 Simon the Zealous / Saint Simon (GoC)
1 Thaddaeus / Judas (Thaddaeus) (GoC)
1 Thomas the Twin / Thomas the Assured (GoC)
1 John, the Fisherman / John, Son of Thunder (GoC)
1 Simon Peter / Peter, the Rock (GoC)
1 Angel from the Sun (RoJ AB)
1 Reassuring Angel (EC)
1 Good Seed (GoC)
1 Authority of Christ (GoC UR+)
1 I Am He (GoC)
1 Prosperity (Roots)
1 Reach of Desperation (GoC)
1 Sent Two by Two (GoC)
1 Walking on Water (GoC)
1 The Lying Prophet
1 Emperor Claudius (PC)
1 Emperor Nero (Promo)
1 Saul of Tarsus [2022 - Seasonal]
1 Herod the Great (GoC)
1 The Deceiver (RoJ AB)
1 Stricken
1 Tenants Kill the Son (GoC)
1 Duplicity (GoC)
1 Eternal Covenant (CoW AB)
1 Send the Helper (GoC)
1 Unsuccessful (PoC)
1 Andrew, First Called / Andrew, Fisher of Men (GoC)
1 James, the Fisherman / James, Son of Thunder (GoC)
1 Philip of Bethsaida / Philip the Pragmatic (GoC)
1 Disciples of the Lamb (RoJ AB)
1 Sow, Reap and Rejoice (RoJ AB)
1 Scattered (Promo)
1 Heavy Taxes (Roots)
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