Redemption with Jayden: A Quite Literal Star War

Join Jayden for a themed game due to May the Fourth be with you!

Hello there, happy Star Wars day! In honor of this Thursday, the fourth of May, I felt as though I was Forced to build a Star Wars-themed deck. Perhaps it was a wookie mistake since this is part of Lackey Grand Prix Episode IX (Round 3) and I’m sure Zach is seeking Revenge after our Last encounter, and it seems he was ready to Strike Back. Perhaps the Attacks that I’ll be doing with my Jedi-colored Patriarchs offense, but mesa thinks the Sith-colored Thieves defense can help me Rise to the challenge and give me the high ground. At the very least, make Mr. MiYoda proud, I will. Hope you enjoy the game! I promise there’s no sand!

Deck: 57
1 Lost Soul “Darkness” (Job 30:26) (RoJ AB)

1 Lost Soul “Dull” (Hebrews 5:11) (CoW AB)
1 Lost Soul “Galileans” (Luke 13:2) (GoC)
1 Lost Soul “Harvest” (John 4:35) (GoC)
1 Lost Soul “Humble” (James 4:6/Proverbs 3:34) (RoJ AB)
1 Lost Soul “Imitate” (III John 1:11) (RoJ AB)
1 Lost Soul “Lawless” (Hebrews 12:8) (CoW AB)
1 Lost Soul (Prosperity)

1 Crowd’s Choice (GoC)
1 Three Woes (RoJ AB)
1 Angel of the Lord (2020 Promo)
1 Son of God (Promo 2018)
1 Star of Bethlehem (GoC)
1 The Second Coming (CoW AB)
1 Christian Martyr (2019) (Promo)
1 Falling Away (Promo 2018)

1 Chamber of Angels (GoC)
1 Goshen (LoC)
1 Herod’s Temple (GoC)
1 Storehouse (Promo)
1 Coliseum (CoW AB)
1 Den of Thieves (GoC)

1 Book of the Law (Promo)
1 Covenant with Noah (PoC)

1 The Repentant Thief / The Condemned Thief (GoC)
1 Anthropophobia

1 Father Abraham / Faithful Abraham (LoC Plus)
1 Jacob, Follower of God / Israel, Retainer of God (LoC)
1 Joseph, the Dreamer
1 Gabriel, Mouth of God [UR+] (GoC)
1 Enosh, the Worshiper / Enosh (Mortal) (LoC)
1 Jared, the Beholder / Jared (Shall Come Down) (LoC)
1 The Angel of the Winds (Promo)
1 The Heavenly Host (GoC)
1 The Three Visitors

1 The Emmaus Road
1 The First Sacrifice
1 Abraham’s Descendant (LoC)
1 Israel’s Bow (LoC)
1 Israel’s Sword (LoC)
1 Numerous as the Stars (PoC)
1 Virgin Birth

1 Simon the Magician (EC)
1 Nebuchadnezzar (PoC)
1 Plunderers (GoC)
1 Temple Thieves (GoC)
1 The Highwayman (GoC)
1 Herod the Great (GoC)
1 The Deceiver (RoJ AB)

1 The Wages of Sin (FoM)
1 Betrayal (PoC)
1 Strike the Shepherd (GoC)
1 Hurling Insults (GoC)
1 Purloin (GoC)
1 Stolen Seed (GoC)
1 Thievery of Judas (GoC)
1 Massacre of Innocents (GoC)

1 Stolen Blessing (LoC)
1 Covenant with Abraham (PoC)
1 Jehoshaphat, the Seeker / Jehoshaphat, the Meek (LoC)
1 Noah, the Righteous / Noah (Rest and Comfort) (LoC)
1 Hezron, the Enclosed / Hezron, the Surrounded (LoC)
1 Judah, the Leader / Judah, the Substitute (LoC)
1 Bless the Nations
1 Fence Jumpers (GoC)
1 Ambush! (GoC)

1 Left for Dead (GoC)

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