1 Lost Soul "Fool" [Ecclesiastes 10:3 - RoA] 1 Lost Soul "Dread" [Exodus 15:16 - K] 1 Lost Soul "Salty" [Matthew 5:13] 1 Lost Soul "Deck Discard" [Hosea 13:2 - LR] 1 Lost Soul "One for One" [Genesis 47:17] 1 Lost Soul "Punisher" [Jeremiah 17:9 - RR] 1 Lost Soul "Behold" [I Samuel 30:3 - L] 1 Son of God [K] 1 A New Beginning (FoM) 1 the gods of Egypt [IR] 1 Vain Philosophy (J) 1 Murderous Command [K] 1 Chariot of Fire (Roots) 1 Altar of Burnt Offering [L] 1 David's Harp [K] 1 Mount Sinai 1 Abraham (CoW) 1 Levi, the Fierce 1 Isaac (CoW) 1 Judah, the Leader / Judah, the Substitute (LoC) 1 Reuben, the Preeminent 1 Rebekah, the Bride / Rebekah, the Barren (LoC) 1 Joseph, the Blessed 1 Dan, Justice of Peace 1 Manasseh, the Calming (Roots) 1 Malakh the Nameless [2023 - State] 1 Forgiveness of Joseph [IR] 1 Faith of Noah 1 Answer to Prayer (LoC) 1 Job Overcomes (Roots) 1 Feast of Atonement (LoC) 1 Joseph Before Pharaoh (PoC) 1 Journey to Egypt (Roots) 1 Gomer (PoC) 1 Egyptian Soothsayers [K] 1 Egyptian Archer [K] 1 Captain Potiphar 1 Grain Tenders [IR] 1 Huge Egyptian (Roots) 1 The Dreaming Pharaoh [IR] 1 Pharaoh Ramses II (1st Print - K) 1 Pharaoh's Army [K] 1 Joseph in Prison (Roots) 1 Cupbearer's Complaints 1 Pharaoh's Dream 1 Famine of Egypt 1 Ruthless [K] 1 Pharaoh's Curse 1 Moses kills Egyptian [K] 1 Egyptian Chariots [K] 1 Death of Unrighteous (FoM) 1 Thrown into the Nile [K]