1 Destruction of Nehushtan (PoC) 1 Angel of the Lord (2017 Promo) 1 Christian Martyr (J) 1 Shipwreck [Fundraiser] 1 Mayhem (FoM) 1 Strife 1 Doubt (LoC) 1 Lost Soul "Dull" [Hebrews 5:11] 1 Lost Soul "Humble" [James 4:6 / Proverbs 3:34] [AB - RoJ] 1 Lost Soul "Darkness" [Job 30:26] 1 Lost Soul "Lawless" [Hebrews 12:8] 1 Lost Soul "Shepherds" [I Samuel 25:7 - L] 1 Lost Soul "Color Guard" [Jeremiah 13:10 - RR] 1 Lost Soul "Complacent" [Zephaniah 1:12] 1 Babel (FoM) 1 City of Refuge (PoC) 1 Storehouse [IR] 1 Kingdoms of the World (GoC) 1 Patmos (RoJ) 1 Book of the Covenant (PoC) 1 Scroll of Isaiah 1 Peter's Curse (GoC) 1 The Angel of the Winds 1 Angel from the Sun (RoJ) 1 Captive Priest 1 Priests of Christ (RoJ AB) 1 Justin Martyr (RoJ AB) 1 Abiathar, the Survivor 1 Eli, Samuel's Mentor 1 Ahimelech, Chief Priest 1 Matthew the Publican / Matthew (Levi) (GoC) 1 Jonah (PoC) 1 Delivered 1 Virgin Birth 1 Covenant with David (PoC) 1 Blood of the Lamb (RoJ AB) 1 Generous Giving (Roots) 1 Preaching in the Synagogue 1 Outpouring 1 Eternal Inheritance (CoW AB) 1 The Deceiver (RoJ) 1 Nebuchadnezzar (PoC) 1 Babylonian Siege Army 1 Nimrod, the Mighty (CoW) 1 Nergal-sar-ezer, Rab-Mag (Roots) 1 Conjurers 1 The Babylonian Merchants 1 Table of Demons (EC) 1 Betrayal (PoC) 1 Seized by Babylon 1 Yoke of Iron (Roots) 1 Mask of Vanity (Roots) 1 Nebuchadnezzar's Pride (Roots) 1 Swift Horses (Roots) Reserve: 1 Zadok, Ark Carrier 1 New Covenant (Jeremiah) 1 Covenant of Prayer (RoJ AB) 1 You Will Remain 1 Phinehas' Spear [IR] 1 Confusion (Roots) 1 Disagreement over Mark 1 Scattered 1 Madness [IR] 1 Pagan Sailors