1 Lost Soul "Humble" [James 4:6 / Proverbs 3:34 - RoJ] 1 Lost Soul "Imitate" [III John 1:11] 1 Lost Soul "Crowds" [Luke 5:15] [2016 - Local] 1 Lost Soul "Defiled" [Mark 7:21-22] 1 Lost Soul "Undesirables" [Luke 14:13] 1 Lost Soul "Dull" [Hebrews 5:11] 1 Lost Soul "Forsaken" [Hebrews 10:25] 1 The Watchful Leaders (CoW AB) 1 Simon the Zealous / Saint Simon (GoC) 1 Simon Peter / Peter, the Rock (GoC) 1 John, the Fisherman / John, Son of Thunder (GoC) 1 Resurrection Revealer (GoC) 1 Joanna, the Generous / Joanna, Wife of Chuza (GoC) 1 Susanna (GoC) 1 Mary, the Restored / Mary Magdalene (GoC) 1 Mary of Bethany / Mary, the Attentive (GoC) 1 Martha, the Diligent / Martha of Bethany (GoC) 1 Lazarus, the Called / Lazarus of Bethany (GoC) 1 Peace (EC) 1 Baptism of Jesus (GoC) 1 Reassurance of Jesus (GoC) 1 Banner of Love [2024 - State] 1 An Angel Appears (GoC) 1 Hospitality in Bethany (GoC) 1 He is Risen (GoC) 1 Life Through Christ 1 Four-Drachma Coin (GoC) 1 Denarius (I/J+) 1 Temple Veil (GoC) 1 The Great White Throne (RoJ) 1 The New Covenant (I/J+) 1 Herod's Temple (GoC) 1 Bethlehem Stable (GoC) 1 Nazareth (Roots) 1 Zaccheus, the Repentant / Zaccheus, Tax Collector (GoC) 1 Philosophy (Roots) 1 Son of God "Manger" (Promo) 1 The Second Coming [Fundraiser] 1 Angel of the Lord (I) 1 Harvest Time (GoC) 1 The Resurrection (GoC) 1 Glory of the Lord [2024 - Winner] 1 Three Woes [Fundraiser] 1 Heavy Taxes (Roots) 1 Distressing People (LoC) 1 Herod the Great (GoC) 1 Outsiders (Black/Gold) (RoJ) 1 Saul of Tarsus [2022 - Seasonal] 1 Emperor Nero (Promo) 1 Emperor Claudius (PC) 1 Futile Inquisition (GoC) 1 Contagious Fear (GoC) 1 Fear of Man (GoC) Reserve: 1 Unsuccessful (PoC) 1 Scattered (Promo) 1 The Annunciation (GoC) 1 The Child is Born (GoC) 1 Magnificat (GoC) 1 Lost Child Found (GoC) 1 Good Seed (GoC) 1 Authority of Christ (GoC) 1 Mary, Holy Virgin / Mary, Willing Servant (GoC) 1 Gabriel, Mouth of God (GoC)