1 Buckler (Roots) 1 Mayhem (FoM) 1 The Second Coming [Fundraiser] 1 Son of God [K] 1 Doubt (LoC Plus) 1 Three Woes [Fundraiser] 1 Crowd's Choice (GoC) 1 The Deceiver (RoJ) 1 The Repentant Thief / The Condemned Thief (GoC) 1 Zaccheus, the Repentant / Zaccheus, Tax Collector (GoC) 1 The Highwayman (GoC) 1 Plunderers (GoC) 1 Sapphira, the Dishonest (Roots) 1 The Thief (GoC) 1 Seized by Babylon 1 Unclean until Evening 1 Hurling Insults (GoC) 1 Lying Unto God (Roots) 1 The Wages of Sin (FoM) 1 Judas Iscariot / Judas, the Betrayer (GoC) 1 King Saul's Spear (CoW AB) 1 King Jehu (FoM) 1 Lost Soul "Hopper" [II Chronicles 28:13 - RR] 1 The Throne of David (LoC) 1 David's Tent [K] 1 Zion 1 Peter's Curse (GoC) 1 Covenant with David (PoC) 1 Twenty Shekels 1 David's Harp (Promo) 1 Lost Soul "Darkness" [Job 30:26] 1 Lost Soul "Humble" [James 4:6 / Proverbs 3:34 - RoJ] 1 Lost Soul "Grumbled" [Exodus 15:24 - K] 1 Lost Soul "Prosperity" [Deuteronomy 30:15] 1 Lost Soul "Lost Souls" [Proverbs 2:16-17] 1 Lost Soul "Distressed" [Zephaniah 1:17] 1 Lost Soul "Lawless" [Hebrews 12:8] 1 David, Outcasts' Refuge / David, the Anointed (LoC) 1 Bathsheba, the Helper / Bathsheba, the Prostrate (LoC) 1 Jotham, the Mighty / Jotham, the Upright (LoC) 1 Jehoshaphat, the Seeker / Jehoshaphat, the Meek (LoC) 1 Zerubbabel, the Chosen / Zerubbabel, the Builder (LoC Plus) 1 Eleazar, the Potentate / Eleazar, the Vassal (LoC) 1 Eliud, the Revolutionary / Eliud, the Pious (LoC) 1 Baruch, Son of Zabbai (Roots) 1 Helmet (LoC) 1 Spears (LoC) 1 Bearing Our Sin 1 David's Descendant (LoC) 1 Solomon's Dream (LoC) 1 Teaching in Parables (GoC) 1 Jehu's Sword (FoM) Reserve: 1 Carcasses (PoC) 1 Nebuchadnezzar (PoC) 1 Satan's Seat (Roots) 1 Judge's Seat (I/J+) 1 Ehud's Dagger (Roots) 1 Testing Solomon (Roots) 1 Royal Parade (LoC) 1 Anthropophobia 1 The Great Fish 1 Joshua, the Conqueror (LoC)